Playing with Breath

Rebecca Frances
  • 26.05.24

So. 26.05.24 14:00 — 16:30
Preis: 50€

This experimental workshop explores interventions in breathing patterns created by you, and inspired by your connection to and feelings about others. Taking inspiration from the Metta Bhavana (loving kindness meditation) we will conduct a slow somatic dive into your breath, your emotional connection to it, and explore different techniques you can use in order to work and play with your own breath.

Though breath is the focus of this class, we do not limit ourselves to classical breathing exercises. Taking inspiration from pranayama techniques as well as modern breathing practices (like Wim Hof and conscious connected breath), this workshop offers carefully designed adaptations to down-regulate your nervous system, explore your state of mind and notice. We will explore the way we breathe in a variety of contexts - from subtle breath manipulations to interpersonal explorations. How does my breathing change when I think of this person? When I am in that situation? How can I take control of my breathing? What have I learnt in yoga class and how can I adapt those pranayama practices to best serve me? What style and position feels good to me, specifically? How do I feel? How do I react? What do I need?

This soft Sunday afternoon offers a different approach to what you already do all day, every day and a priceless opportunity to take the time, for yourself, to explore your breath. Expect floaty feels, a little bit of partner work, a personalized approach and insights that you can takeaway.

About Rebecca Frances:

Rebecca is a coach, workshop and breathwork facilitator, and writer. Her classes focus on self-educating and self-healing through the use of somatic enquiry, breathwork and hypnotic meditations.
Rebecca uses her studies in academia, yoga, massage, butoh dance, sexological bodywork, tao yoga and philosophy to inform her work.
She holds a degree from Cambridge University where she studied the philosophy, literature and art of the body and of sexuality. She has 600+hrs of massage, breathwork and bodywork training (David Lutt, Thai Massage Circus, Kaline Kelly, Daniel Odier, Martin Beaudoin), 400+hrs RYT yoga teacher training (Surinder Ji, Lizzie and Judith Lasater, Rajiv Chanchani), has experience studying tantra and conscious sexual practices (Swami Vivekananda, Yonathan Saar, Felix Ruckert, Kai Erdhart) is an ongoing student of Taoist practices under the tutelage of Udo Treide.

All Levels welcome

Preis: €50