Autumn Retreat

Kate Kuss
  • 16. – 19.11.23

Yoga retreats are a nice time to reset, renew and grow. You’ll make new friends, see new places, have the time and space to relax and be with yourself. Break away from your everyday and join this Soul & Steady & YogaKula retreat, taught by Kate Kuss, and experience the moment in the beautiful environment of the retreat die Lichtung, in the Austrian Waldviertel.

In November 2023 we want to take you on a four-day get away from the city and towards yourself! Enjoy yoga, meditation, nature and healthy meals and wind down from the day to day stress.

You might now Kate Kuss from her weekly online classes at YogaKula? She lives in New York and is traveling to Vienna on a regular basis to teach workshops and trainings.

Daily Schedule

During the retreat you will be able to join daily yoga classes in the morning and in the evening. The classes will be active and passive, meaning that there will be some yoga classes that are physically more challenging, and some where you will be able to just wind down and relax.

In between the classes you have the option to take walks in nature with the group or do something on your own. All meals will be available at the accommodation and will consist of clean meals, that will make you happy from the inside out.



11am Check-in
12.15pm - 1.30pm Lunch
4pm - 6pm Soul & Steady Class / Welcome Class + Lecture
6.15pm - 7.30pm Dinner


7.30am - 9am Breakfast
10am - 12pm Soul & Steady Yoga Class
12.15pm - 1.30pm Lunch
4pm - 6pm Yin Yoga Class
6.15pm - 7.30pm Dinner
7.45pm - 8.45pm Yoga Nidra Class


7.30am - 9am Breakfast
10am - 12pm Soul & Steady Yoga Class
12.15pm - 1.30pm Lunch
4pm - 6pm Workshop
6.15pm - 7.30pm Dinner
7.45pm - 8.45pm Yoga Nidra Class


7.30am - 9am Breakfast
10am - 12pm Soul & Steady Yoga Class
12.15pm - 1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Check-out

Yoga practiced during the retreat

Soul & Steady Yoga: Kate has developed her Soul & Steady yoga style, merging Yin, power flow and meditation all in one place. 50 minutes power flow, 20 minutes yin yoga, 5 minutes of meditation. Build strength in your body. Focus your mind. Connect with your spirit.

Yin Yoga: Yin Yoga holds poses for an extended length of time which gives you a chance to stretch the body and listen to the mind. This style of yoga exercises connective tissue and fascia.

Meditation: The meditations taught are guided towards relaxation and introspection. We teach seated meditations and Yoga Nidra that take you through visualizations to boost creativity, breath work to balance energy and deep relaxation so you can release tension.

About Kate Kuss

Kate Kuss is a teacher’s teacher. Her trainings and classes open up space for teachers and students to feel more comfortable sharing their voice. Kate has experienced how a dedicated yoga and meditation practice leads to a healthier lifestyle. Kate’s true love is sharing how we can take care of ourselves from the inside out. With over 1,700 hours of yoga teacher training, 700 hours of meditation training and teaching both students and teachers for 10 years, Kate passes down yogic tools that can be practiced both on and off the mat.

About the location: Die Lichtung, Seminarhaus

In the midst of the archaic landscape of the Waldviertel in the far north of Austria, this refuge is located in the small town of Rastenberg, not far from Zwettl. Secluded high above the Purzelkamp and yet only a good hour away from Vienna, you will find the ideal place for seminars, courses and retreats here.

Embedded in a spacious area, protected by a castle from the 12th century, you can focus on yourself here. Our seminar house is exclusively available to you, delicious vegetarian dishes await you in the forest house and the baroque Meierhof with its 30 beds offers relaxation in the middle of nature.

The Yoga Room

The round building with a central skylight located was built in 1987 by the architect DI Georg Thurn, the founder of the LICHTUNG. Through the use of terrestrial lines of force, an energy field was created whose vibrations are suitable for opening consciousness. The 85 square meter seminar room, which is suitable for groups of 15 - 35 people, impresses with its all-round window front, the enormous room height, the light from the glass pyramid roof and the warm atmosphere of the wood.

Depending on requirements, the equipment includes meditation cushions and blankets, tables, chairs, presentation walls, a music system, television and beamer.

The Rooms

Lovingly and individually furnished single, double and triple rooms offer space for up to 35 guests.

The forest house, built around 1750, is located in a clearing surrounded by spruce trees next to the seminar house. In the rustic hut you dine atmospherically, in warm weather you set the table under the open sky in the shade of the old trees.

Meals at Waldhaus

In the Waldhaus, a rustic breakfast buffet awaits the guests in the morning, and our chef Miguel Leon offers balanced and varied whole-food nutrition for lunch and dinner. Tea, coffee, fruit and pastries are freely available outside of meal times.

Of course, we take special diets or intolerances into consideration and ask you to inform us in writing of your wishes in good time.

Close by

Genieße Ruhe und Abgeschiedenheit inmitten von Wäldern und Wiesen. Wer auch zu kühlen Jahreszeit gern ins Wasser springt kann in den hauseignen Teich springen, oder auch im Purzelkamp und dem Ottensteiner Stausee. Wanderwege gibt es in Hülle und Fülle auf endlosen Wegen.

Die unmittelbare Umgebung von Rastenberg bietet eine Vielzahl an kulturellen und sportlichen Attraktionen:

  • Tennis auf dem eigenen Sandplatz sowie im Tennisclub Peygarten
  • Fischen im Stausee Ottenstein (4km)
  • Golfen auf dem 18-Loch Platz des Golfclubs Ottenstein in Niedergrünbach (3km)
  • Wandern, Klettern, Schwimmen, Reiten, Radfahren und Langlaufen in den weiten Wäldern und Seen des Waldviertels
  • Kirchen und Klöster Niederösterreichs: Stift Zwettl (12km), Stift Altenburg (28km), Stift Göttweig (40km), Stift Melk (61km)
  • Heurigenbesuche und Weinverkostungen

Enjoy peace and seclusion amidst forests and meadows. Anyone who likes to swim, even throughout in the cooler seasons, can jump into the hotel's own pond, or in Purzelkamp and the Ottensteiner reservoir. Moreover you can explore the endless hiking trails around the retreat place.

The immediate vicinity of Rastenberg offers a variety of cultural and sporting attractions:

  • Tennis at the hotel's own sand court and in the Peygarten tennis club
  • Fishing in the Ottenstein reservoir (4km)
  • Golfing on the 18-hole course at the Ottenstein Golf Club in Niedergrünbach (3km)
  • Hiking, climbing, swimming, horseback riding, cycling and cross-country skiing in the vast forests and lakes of the Waldviertel
  • Churches and monasteries in Lower Austria: Zwettl Abbey (12 km), Altenburg Abbey (28 km), Göttweig Abbey (40 km), Melk Abbey (61 km)
  • Heurigen visits and wine tastings


Car: From yogakula it is a 1 hour and 20 minutes car ride

Public Transport: U4 until Hütteldorf, train to St.Pölten, Bus 101

Once people have signed up we can form groups and travel to the location in a group.

Price of yoga program: (this price does not include accommodation!)

4 days of yoga (Thursday - Sunday):

€ 400 Regular Price
€ 370 Early Bird until Sep 15th 2023

3 days of yoga (Friday - Sunday):

€ 300 Regular Price
€ 270 Early Bird until Sep 15th 2023

Prices of Lodging & Meals

€ 119 Single Room with Bathroom
€ 111 Single Room without Bathroom
€ 107 Double Room
€ 99 Three Bed Room

Included in the price:

  • The overnight stay in the historic Meierhof or in the Vorschloss
  • Full board (breakfast buffet, three-course vegetarian lunch and dinner, two coffee or tea breaks with fruit)
  • the retreat house rent

Above prices are per person, per day. All prices are inclusive prices per person, including VAT plus the overnight stay tax to be charged. The following information must be noted when booking the room.

Seminarhaus Die Lichtung
A - 3532 Rastenberg 2

Extra Information:

  • The training will be taught in English
  • Minimum Participants: 13 people

Book this experience:

For further information about the retreat contact Eva via

To reserve your room at die Lichtung please write an email to

Yoga, Relaxation and Nature

Thu 16.11.23 — Sun 19.11.23
Preis: 400€